Students at the Governor's School for Agriculture have the opportunity to participate in a number of clubs, organizations and teams and compete against other schools across the Palmetto State and the nation.
The FFA is an intracurricular student organization for those interested in agriculture and leadership. It is one of the three components of agricultural education. FFA students "learn by doing." Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs) provide hands-on learning that teaches through entrepreneurship, internship or job placement; research or experimentation; and exploring new career opportunities.
Advisors: Mr. Morton, Mrs. Templeton, Mrs. Rhodes, Mr. Abrams
The 4-H is a youth development organization that began in the United States in 1902. We are fortunate to be the only high school Agriculture program in South Carolina to have our own 4-H club within a high school with officers. Most 4-H clubs meet with their 4-H club leaders at extension offices in their county. The 4-H stands for head, heart, hands, and health. Our motto is to make the best better.
Advisor: Mrs. Templeton
The Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) offers a variety of events to help students achieve their goals, including leadership conferences, competitions, and events that test their business knowledge and skills.
Advisors: Ms. Brown, Dr. Hayes
The aim of SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) is to support students in making good choices and provide opportunities for them to build and improve their character. Students participate in community service, red ribbon week events, fundraising, anti-bullying campaign, Escape the Vape Campaign and other similar activities/events.
Advisor: Dr. Hayes
National Beta Club
The Beta Club is a service organization for students who demonstrate the core values of leadership, character, and academic achievement. Students who are eligible for Beta Club will receive an invitation during the beginning of Quarter 2. Students who are in Beta Club will be able to participate in volunteer activities and community service-based activities to better the school, society, and environment around them.
Advisor: Mrs. Banks
Student Council
Our elected student government organization allows students the opportunity to voice their opinion, make decisions on behalf of their fellow students, and serve the community.
Advisors: Dr. Platt, Mr. Thompson

The Fellowship Of Christian Aggies at the Governor’s School for Agriculture provides students (athletes and non-athletes) with the opportunity to grow in their walk with Christ and show His love for others through service in the community.
Advisor: Mrs. Glace

Students work in collaboration to create the school yearbook, take pictures, write stories, and gather student quotes for the annual publication.
Advisor: Dr. Platt
AggieMEDIA Team
The AggieMEDIA Team specializes in video production, audio production, writing, photography and design. Team members produce the “Carolina’s Field, Forest & Water” and "The Aggie Life" video series, AGGIEradio audio podcasts and The Aggie Life campus magazine. All media team members will become members of the S.C. Scholastic Press Association.
Advisor: Mr. Baughman

Equine Club
This club for all riding levels creates opportunities to meet and share in a common interest to learn and grow in equine sport.
Advisor: Mrs. Rhoden

Club Apis
Club Apis is open to any student interested in supporting pollinators and honey bees. Students will participate in special activities, projects and field days.
Advisor: Mrs. Jones

Dance Club
The Dance Club is a fun way for students to join each other for exercise and express themselves through the art of dance. It is student-oriented, which drives what styles of dance will be learned and what genres of music will be used. Members of the club should be willing to participate and create an atmosphere of acceptance.
Advisor: Ms. Childers

Archery Club
In the archery club, students will learn safe practices with bows and arrows. They will be exposed to competition-style shooting techniques and develop the proper form through practice. The club will meet once a week at a time decided by its members.
Advisor: Coach Cann

Field Trial Team
The school Field Trial Team is designed for students who have a passion for hunting and working with dogs. Students will learn different methods of training birddogs and the importance of building a bond with their dog as well as core skills such as respect, being responsible, and hard work. The club will travel to various places to run their dogs in contests and competitions with hopes of earning titles and championships.
Advisor: Mr. Morton