Give The Gift Of Your Support

Give the Gift of an Agricultural Education by making a donation that will support our students. No matter the size, every gift to our school makes an impact on our students. Collectively, private support makes it possible for students to take full advantage of all the South Carolina Governor's School for Agriculture has to offer—inside and outside of the classroom.

Your gift matters. Make a donation and make an impact. To donate, visit our website.

Campus Tours

The John de la Howe Foundation offers campus tours for individuals and businesses who want to know more about our school and how to partner or volunteer with us.  Our tours are available year-round by appointment. To schedule a tour, contact the Foundation.

Stacie Smith, Executive Director of the JDLH Foundation

STACIE SMITH, Executive Director


Phone: (864)391-0406

Email: Stacie.smith@delahowe.sc.gov 

Current Fundraiser

The Sportsman's Banquet is a great way to raise funds for the school.

The Sportsman's Banquet also feature student outdoors demonstrations.

Get your tickets to the Sportsman's Banquet.